Participation Waiver:
I understand that there are risks and dangers in participating in martial arts activities and that in order to participate in any such activities, including but not limited to: Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, and other martial arts and physical conditioning classes/training, I must give up my rights to hold IALMEIDA LLC. and any other entity or charity associated with IALMEIDA LLC. responsible or liable for any damage that I may suffer while participating in such classes/training provided by IALMEIDA LLC., waiting at or on IALMEIDA LLC.’ premises to participate in such classes/training and/or walking through the premises at IALMEIDA LLC. prior to or after such classes. Knowing this, and in consideration for being permitted to participate in martial arts and physical conditioning classes/training with IALMEIDA LLC., I hereby voluntarily forever release, discharge and hold completely harmless IALMEIDA LLC. and all other entities or charities associated with IALMEIDA LLC., their members, offices, directors, agents, employees, heirs, assigns and independent contractors from any and all responsibility for, or liability resulting from or arising from, my participating in martial arts and physical conditioning classes/training at IALMEIDA LLC. and being on the premises at IALMEIDA LLC.
I understand that the martial arts classes and physical conditioning programs provided at IALMEIDA LLC. may included, but will not be limited to, activities such as kicking, punching, hitting, stretching, twisting, jabbing, lunging, rolling, falling, jumping, yelling, joint locks, and the use of various training equipment. I realize that these activities, as well as all other martial arts activities, can be dangerous. I am voluntarily choosing to participate in some or all of these activities and agree to assume the risk associated with my participation therein.
I understand that I am assuming full responsibility for any and all risks of death, personal injury, emotional pain and suffering, property damage and economic loss that might be suffered by me as a result of my participation in martial arts classes, after school pick ups, field trips, camps, training, seminars, etc... at IALMEIDA LLC. I agree that this release shall bind me, my spouse, my heirs, my personal representatives, my assigns, my children and my and their agents.
I hereby further agree to release, indemnify and hold completely harmless IALMEIDA LLC. and all other entities associated with IALMEIDA LLC. and/or their members, officers, directors, agents, employees, heirs, assigns and independent contractors harmless from any and all liability and costs, including attorney fees, associated with or arising from my participating in martial arts and physical conditioning classes/training at IALMEIDA LLC., waiting at or on IALMEIDA LLC.’ premises to participate in such classes/training, and walking through the premises at IALMEIDA LLC. prior to or after such classes/training.
I understand that if I were to file a law suit against IALMEIDA LLC. or any other entity associated with IALMEIDA LLC. and/or their members, officers, directors, agents, employees, heirs, assigns and independent contractors, as a result of any personal injury including death, emotional pain and suffering, property damage or economic loss suffered by me as a result of my participation in martial arts and physical conditioning classes/training at IALMEIDA LLC., waiting at or on IALMEIDA LLC. premises to participate in such classes/training and/or walking through the premises at IALMEIDA LLC. prior to or after such classes/training, that this release would bar the lawsuit and the court would dismiss it on the grounds that by signing this release, I have expressly assumed all the risks associated with participation in such activities, including but not limited to negligence on the part of the martial arts instructors in the performance of their duties, negligence by other members of IALMEIDA LLC., negligence in the operation of machinery or equipment, and/or premises liability.
If I am signing this release on behalf of a minor child, I understand that I am giving up the same rights for the said minor as if I signed this release on my own behalf. I have read this agreement and understand the words and language in it and I am advised of all potential dangers incidental to participation in martial arts and physical conditioning classes/training at IALMEIDA LLC., including travel to and from.
I understand that any photography or video footage of me that is taken by IALMEIDA LLC. can be used, published and shared by IALMEIDA LLC.
I hereby am choosing to train or participate in activities at or hosted by Palm Beach Gardens Martial Arts (I ALMEIDA LLC). I understand there are risks associated with my participation and I fully accept and release the owners, Igor De Almeida, Natasha Quiza and the staff at Palm Beach Gardens Martial Arts from any responsibilities related to any likelihood of contracting COVID-19 during my or my child’s participation in any activities not limited to classes, after school pick ups, camps and seminars. I fully confirm I (or my child) have not tested positive for COVID-19, and that I (or my child) do not have any symptoms currently related to COVID-19 (including but not limited to fever, cough, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness or breath, etc…) I am also truthfully stating that I (or my child) have not traveled outside the U.S. in the last four (4) weeks, not have had any contact with anyone who may have any symptoms concurrent with COVID-19.
The undersigned represents that they are the legal Guardian of the Child(ren) for the registered child for Afterschool School Pickup Program provided by Palm Beach Gardens Martial Arts (I ALMEIDA LLC); I agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify I ALMEIDA LLC (dba Palm Beach Gardens Martial Arts), its owners, affiliates, and all their respective employees, officers, directors and agents from any and all liabilities, damages, losses and expenses of any nature whatsoever which may arise in connection with the transportation provided by I ALMEIDA LLC (dba Palm Beach Gardens Martial Arts).
I agree that this is a document consisting of a total of one page and that I have been presented, have read and understood the contents contained herein and the rights that I am giving up by signing below where indicated.
By signing below, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By signing below, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.
I hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.